Tampa, FL - 33677
813 935-7333
Referral's Only:We provide transitional housing and support services for up to 24 women and children in Hillsborough County. We are one of the only homeless shelter for women and children who are not victims of domestic violence in the county. In addition to providing shelter, housing information and referrals, assistance in obtaining transitional/permanent housing, job search. Residents are permitted to stay at the shelter for 60 days or more if the resident is actively working towards their self-sufficiency. We work hard to provide as much pertinent information as possible about the outreach centers listed on the website. This is a difficult task
as their is so much valuable information and such little time to obtain it. If you see that our listing does not provide enough information or is no longer a valid
outreach center, please let us know by filling out the comment form below.
Hello. I am a single individual with multiple medical disabilities homeless and fleeing from DV situation. I was referred by metropolitan ministry organization who are assessing my homelessness right now. However, in the meantime, I am living out of my vehicle, needing shelter or motel voucher or financial assistance for motel assistance. I have applied for several organizations waiting in callbacks
Would like a pickup ride to the shelter and to church, do you provide transportation?