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Dawn Center of Hernando County - Outreach

4195 Mariner Blvd.
Spring Hill, FL - 34609
(352) 592-1288


Dawn Center of Hernando County - Outreach Information:

The Dawn Center has an outreach program to help victims of abuse who live in Hernando County.

An individual that is being abused may contact the Outreach Office or the Shelter to speak with a trained professional regarding their situation.

When someone who is abused calls the Dawn Center, the first question asked is, \"Are you safe right now?\" If the answer to their safety is \"no\", then the caller will be asked for their address and if she/he wants to have law enforcement sent to help. If the caller wants to speak in depth about their situation, an appointment is schedule as soon as possible and at the caller\'s convenience. The caller will then meet with someone specialized in the area of trauma and abuse.

By listening in a sensitive, supportive and non-judgmental manner, the trained professional will assist the victim of abuse in identifying what the options are for changing the situation she/he is in.

Office hours: Mondays through Fridays 9am - 5pm.
Serves Hernando County residents, but will consider outside depending on the situation.

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Dawn Center of Hernando County - Outreach Mission Statement:


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Closest Area Outreach Center

Shepherd Center of Tarpon Springs 27.77 miles