780 S. Pinellas Avenue
Tarpon Springs, FL - 34689
(727) 939-1400
We are committed to working together to empower the needy to build new lives. Demonstrated need via income level is the only requirement to use our services. However, most of our programs do require client registration in our Outreach Office located on the south side of our building. Clients will also be asked to present a social security card and a picture I.D.
Advice and referral services are provided to those who need one-on-one attention. We work with clients to coordinate solutions to their needs ranging from medical, employment, temporary or permanent lodging, to transportation, etc. We handle approximately 315 client contacts per month.
The Outreach Office is open Monday - Friday from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
The Center maintains a pantry that provides free groceries on a supplementary basis for each of our client households. Various combinations of breads, pastries and produce are also available to the client. We average 600 households per month.
The Food Pantry is open M - F from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
OutreachCenters.net: We work hard to provide as much pertinent information as possible about the outreach centers listed on the website. This is a difficult task
as their is so much valuable information and such little time to obtain it. If you see that our listing does not provide enough information or is no longer a valid
outreach center, please let us know by filling out the comment form below.