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Hepatitis C Outreach Project

7316 N. Mobile Avenue
Portland, OR - 97217
(352) 733-0111

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Hepatitis C Outreach Project Information:

Our mission is to inspire, support and enhance community efforts toward prevention, awareness, education, and treatment of hepatitis C and promote organ donation. We are committed to working with any organization, agency, or professional individual to develop partnerships resulting in quality programming and good public decision making based on accurate information regarding hepatitis C. We offer our resources and services freely in a spirit of goodwill and generosity, ever mindful of our purpose.

OutreachCenters.net: We work hard to provide as much pertinent information as possible about the outreach centers listed on the website. This is a difficult task as their is so much valuable information and such little time to obtain it. If you see that our listing does not provide enough information or is no longer a valid outreach center, please let us know by filling out the comment form below.

Hepatitis C Outreach Project Mission Statement:


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