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New Hope Outreach Ministries

Po Box 128
Elma, WA - 98541

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New Hope Outreach Ministries Information:

I have been going to Russia since 1985. Originally as an Evangelist. In 1994 I visited my first orphanage and knew I had to help. I have been working full-time to help these precious children. Through no fault of their own they are in orphanages. In the region where we began there are over 100 orphanages. We have reached out into other countries and work with the national people to accomplish our work.

OutreachCenters.net: We work hard to provide as much pertinent information as possible about the outreach centers listed on the website. This is a difficult task as their is so much valuable information and such little time to obtain it. If you see that our listing does not provide enough information or is no longer a valid outreach center, please let us know by filling out the comment form below.

New Hope Outreach Ministries Mission Statement:


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