P.O. Box 3842
Dayton, OH - 45401
Strengthening the Greater Dayton area by supporting hardworking, single mothers of young children in their struggle to achieve family stability, rise above poverty (spiritual, social, economic), and experience a brighter future for themselves and their children - the next generation.
We offer three ministries: (1) Moms on the Move, (2) Car for Work Program, and the (3)Micro-Enterprise Grant Program.
Qualifications: Single mother, Age of 22-45, with children 0-12 living with you as the primary caregiver Attending college, working (PT or FT each week), or have recently (within the last 18 months) become unemployed, living in the Dayton, Ohio area (includes Montgomery and Greene County), and of low to moderate income.
Disqualifiers: (1) Incarcerated, (2) living in a rehabilitation facility or halfway house, (3) participating in a structured substance abuse program, (4) homeless and without a sponsor, (5) sex offender (past or present), (6) not able to work or attend college, or (7) living with your boyfriend or baby's father.
OutreachCenters.net: We work hard to provide as much pertinent information as possible about the outreach centers listed on the website. This is a difficult task
as their is so much valuable information and such little time to obtain it. If you see that our listing does not provide enough information or is no longer a valid
outreach center, please let us know by filling out the comment form below.